Chess Tournament Registration
Web based NWSRS database lookup and tournament registration system.
Conforms to Requirements of a Washington State Qualifier for NWSRS.
Eliminates the need to input information from paper registration forms.
Queries the registrant for contact information.
Creates section input files for SwissSys, and other files required for NWSRS rating.
Online payment collection is also an option.

Online Registration Tournament Setup Steps:

1. provide a text file with tournament name and information details
(see sample in Demo)
2. provide an optional club graphic or photo
3. provide section numbers and description
4. provide a post registration confirmation message ie. payment options/instructions
5. Submit tournament setup and hosting fee using Secure PayPal Payment

Click on the amount below if paying now or above on the Current Tournaments/Demo button.
number of players200 or less201-9991000 or more

You will be emailed the tournament code and password, and the URL anchor or link to place on the calendar or your club web page that will bypass the tournament director screens. TDs may then view the current tournament registration files at any time.
For Tournament Director Services, contact: