Scholastic Chess Online does not teach chess nor are the games rated. It simply offers the oportunity for students to play their peers remotely in real-time. Chess clubs may conduct matches amongst players from any computer with the added benefit all games are recorded and can be tabulated or retrieved later. Coaches may play students remotely providing commentary through the dialogue window.
Registration is required to access Scholastic Chess Online and a signed form must be on file verifying understanding and agreeing to abide by the site Code of Conduct before a subscription can be activated. Subscriptions are for the period of one year and may be purchased individually ($20), family ($10 for each additional player), or Club rates (contact the webmaster:
Please complete this form and mail with payment (checks only) to: Chibcha Enterprises SCHOLASTIC CHESS ONLINE P.O. Box 4263 Elk Plain, WA 98387 * First name: * Last name: Sections (by grade): * K-3 4-6 8-12 ADULT Telephone number: Login ID to the server consists of first name + last four numbers of your telephone number * (area code): * (number): Game invitations are sent via email with a link to the game. * email: I understand and agree to abide by the Scholastic Chess Online Code of Conduct * signature (and relationship if for a minor): * date:
Players must be registered without mis-representation of their name and age. Contact information must be current and accurate. Players may not use assistance from another individual or device unless permission is expressly given by their opponent through the dialogue facility before or during the early moves of the game. All players agree to exhibit good sportsmanship and conduct themselves in a respectful manner towards other members. The Scholastic Chess Online web interface is Open Source Software and any portion may be modified for whatever purpose providing no attempt is made to compromise the integrity of the Chibcha Chess Server which is propietary and may be licensed.