Section B. INTRODUCTION TO UNIX History Unix was developed at Bell Labs by Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie in 1968-69 on a DEC PDP-7 and transferred to a PDP-11 in 1970. The new operating system (O/S) was designed to be a supportive environment for program development. After several years of research, fundamentally new approaches in O/S design were developed including: - hierarchical filesystems - the system primitive fork - process control - the UNIX user-system interface - pipes. In 1973, Unix was successfully rewritten in "C", which had been evolving from "B". The first widely released version was Unix 6th Edition in 1975. Further development was done at U.C. Berkeley which contributed among other things, the C-shell (csh). There have been numerous versions and releases including Version 6, 7; System III, V, VR2, 3, 4; BSD ... Unix users need to be aware that different versions exist as some commands work differently on different systems, or, may not work at all.
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