Section E. INTRODUCTION TO UNIX Navigating the System There are two useful commands that help you move around the directory structure of your system: 1) cd (change directory) allows you to move from one directory to another 2) pwd (present working directory) will display the pathname of your current location in the filesystem. Examples: % cd /tmp Changes the current working directory to /tmp. % cd Without an argument or switch, cd puts you in your home directory. File/Directory Manipulation Commands % ls Displays the names of files and other directories in your current working directory. As with many Unix commands, ls can take several different options or switches (see man pages). % mkdir directory_name This will create a directory in the current working directory called directory_name. % rmdir directory_name The directory directory_name will be removed. % rm file_name This command will delete the file file_name. % cp file1 file2 The file file1 will be copied to a file called file2. % mv old_name new_name The file old_name will be renamed new_name.
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